How to handle a manual load?

How to handle a manual load?

How to handle a manual load?


The word manual handling is a term that refers to the physical movement and lifting of objects, as well as any loading or unloading. Manual handling is a classic example of how people can get injured on the job. The main risk factor is the lifting of heavy objects and moving them around that are not being lifted by a robot or piece of machinery. It is important to take a manual handling certificate at MultiSkills

 Manual handling includes tasks such as picking up a box, reaching into bins and other material storage, putting boxes on vehicles, loading goods into trucks, stacking containers and pallets on top of each other in warehouses, and carrying objects across a level or uneven surface at work or in your home, and many others. Despite manual handling’s prevalence in workplaces today most workers do not have to be trained for any sort of disciplinary action if they accidentally injure themselves while performing manual handling tasks.

 Risk assessment with relocating a load    This is the first thing that needs to be done before carrying out any relocation of loads. You need to look at all the risks surrounding your move such as whether there are hazards such as stairs or obstacles on your route. The second thing is to plan ahead of time. You will want to check along the way if any stops are needed and if there are hazards such as stairs or obstacles along your route. Next, you shall be looking at tools that can be used. These include poles and slings.

Relocation process of planning   The next thing to do is start moving the load when going through a relocation process with a manual handling course. You should start by putting down the load at least a few feet from the obstacle that might block your path and then move it forward, first through one leg of the obstacle than the other, until you reach an area free of obstruction on both sides. Moving is a moving process. You shall then start moving the load forward again as you move forward. Moving forward is a backward and forward movement of the load. Moving back and forth is called backing and for this, you will need to use a second person who does the same with you, whether it be in an up or down direction.

Carrying out the relocation in accordance with the plan: Once you have moved your load through one obstacle, then you can start relocating the next obstacle before moving again to the next obstacle on your way past it. Remember that relocating means breaking down and picking up objects around them (such as boxes) and boxes that are stacked on top of each other.

How to move lifts:  Now you will know how to lift and lower objects. This is done while moving an object from left to right, then you will be lifting it on your left side and lowering it on your right side for the next step. You shall alternate each side with each movement forward after lifting it up or down.

How to move shelves:  When moving shelves from one area to another, the smaller ones can be moved without any trouble if there are not too many boxes or heavy items around. For this purpose, you shall need a dolly that is easily moved about by sliding on the floor. Get someone to help you.

How to move a stack of chairs:  When moving a stack of chairs, you should use a dolly that can stand up to the wear and tear. Otherwise, you shall need others to help you out by taking turns on the dolly. Plus, your manual handling course will teach you how to use short boards or pieces of plywood to protect the corners of the lowermost chair in case it falls off while lifting the stacks of chairs on top.

How to move tables:  This is done just like it is moving shelves. But you will need more than one person to lift and lower them. And for this, you will use a handcart.

How to move a ladder    A ladder is moved just like a table or chair. You start by lifting it up and then sliding it down in the other direction of where you are moving forward.

How to move furniture: This is done just like with other objects that require lifting and lowering.  Plus, there are specialised lifts that can be used for moving furniture such as rolling dollies for heavy items or lift tables for heavier items.


In a manual handling certificate course, you will learn how to move objects and how to place them down safely and without injuries


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